Sudōfu (酢豆腐 - Know-it-all)

Jun 1, 2019 22:21

Young people these days do not use it very much, but there is a Japanese term, 'sudōfu' (酢豆腐), which means a person who shows a know-it-all attitude.

Since 'su' (酢) means "vinegar" and 'dōfu/tōfu' (豆腐) means "bean curd," the literal meaning of 'sudōfu' is "vinegared bean curd."

This term comes from a 'rakugo' (落語 - "traditional Japanese comic storytelling") in the Edo period.

The story of the 'rakugo' is something as follows; a man who showed a know-it-all attitude ate rotten and sour bean curd then said "this is vinegared bean curd."


「酢」は "vinegar"、「豆腐」は "bean curd" を意味するので、「酢豆腐」の文字どおりの意味は vinegared bean curd"" となります。


No. 1 HD123's correction
  • Sudōfu (酢豆腐 - Know-it-all)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Sudōfu
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Young people these days do not use it very much, but there is a Japanese term, 'sudōfu' (酢豆腐), which means a person who shows a know-it-all attitude.
  • Young people these days do not use it very much, but there is a Japanese term, 'sudōfu' (酢豆腐), which means a person who has/exhibits a know-it-all attitude.
  • Since 'su' (酢) means "vinegar" and 'dōfu/tōfu' (豆腐) means "bean curd," the literal meaning of 'sudōfu' is "vinegared bean curd."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • This term comes from a 'rakugo' (落語 - "traditional Japanese comic storytelling") in the Edo period.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • The story of the 'rakugo' is something as follows; a man who showed a know-it-all attitude ate rotten and sour bean curd then said "this is vinegared bean curd."
  • The story of the 'rakugo' is something like this: a man who had a know-it-all attitude ate rotten and sour bean curd, then said, "this is vinegared bean curd."
That's an interesting and funny expression.
Thank you so much for the correction! :)